Running a business is already hard….

…no need to be dropping

Benjamins for recovery, too.

We know logically that that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure when it comes to dollars and cents,

people and processes, offers and sales.

But when it comes to our business, we’re more emotional than

logical when cybersecurity comes up.

If you run in ANY business circle, you’ll see that 90% of the discussions are just full of emotions.

“I don’t understand why people have to be so dishonest and crooked?”

“I don’t know what to do to protect my business and I feel tired just thinking about it.”

“I feel so afraid of running ads because of the scammers.”

“I can’t log into my socials and I’m over it.”

““I feel so panicky even thinking about losing my client’s data to hackers.”

“Business disaster recovery? I’m stressed trying to figure out what marketing isn’t working and how to fix that.”

“Just thinking about cybersecurity makes me nauseous.”

Alrighty then, prepare for the ultimate eye-roll,

but truth is the stress-busting security secret is actually... pretty darn straightforward

All your negative emotions and feelings about your business security

stem from two things: Beliefs & Expectations.

Lecture-y jargony opinion incoming…

Let’s be honest. Cybersecurity is tech on steroids. But oh boy, so many people have thoughts about it. Many of these beliefs and expectations are mostly bonkers, unrealistic, wrong, and made up out of whole cloth. Why yes, I do yell at my social feed when I see those “thoughts”.

What if I told you  we could change our expectations and beliefs about what’s going on in the security threat landscape — a fancy phrase for Internet + Bad Guys — and how to increase our business security

awareness —  more fancy words for I’m vulnerable, aren’t I —  so you can think about preventing and responding to risks in a whole new way? Those negative feelings would disappear…and in its place…

Knowledge, resources, and guidance...

That leads to strategic security decisions protecting your money.

Over the years, I’ve created cybersecurity intelligence briefings for over 200 Fortune 500 CEOs & C-Suite Execs. Briefings that helped them understand information alerts, what threats were out there, and the recommendations and resources to make stronger security driven decisions.

You see, I worked for the leading cybersecurity company, Symantec, formerly Norton Antivirus.

I worked on the Security & Response team as the Info Dev — fancy title for Information Developer aka the team’s word nerd — before being cross-trained in QA and malware engineering.

When the big-time CEOs asked for live briefings, I got “voluntold” to prepare the briefs, but the guy who they picked to give them — our star Sr. researcher and reigning hacker smacker — had social anxiety. Together, we cut a deal with our own big-wigs where I’d do the presenting, he’d answer the questions I couldn’t answer and he’d mentor and train me.

And that’s how my life of breaking down complex, eyes glaze over, jargony super tech into bite-sized, crystal clear, explain it like I’m 9 strategies to non-techie decision makers started.


The benefits of our working together are far reaching for CEO minded entrepreneurs.

  • Less overwhelm when working with security options

  • Understanding more about what’s going on with technology glitches and outages

  • Easy ways to find what solutions to choose to protect business and assets

  • Clear definitions, best practices, and objectives so they can manage expectations and drive decisions to decrease security risks and recovery

  • Bite-size and jargon free recommendations... zero formal training or tech coding skills required

87% of small businesses have customer data that could be compromised in an attack,

and 27% of small businesses with no cybersecurity protections at all collect customers’ credit card info.

Since 2003, I’ve been in the cybersecurity world where I’ve reverse-engineered — fanciest way to say I decoded backwards — malware, ran C-Suite Briefings, and helped the DOJ put away some very bad criminals. So I know that, just like big corporate CEOs, entrepreneurial CEOs and other C-Suite executives could benefit from these simple, clear, and effective briefings. Problem is…even knowing cybersecurity measures would protect their business, finding them is one more to-do. Another security stopper? They’re spread thin working in their business and there’s just not enough time. Who wants the time suck of trying to find cybersecurity answers?

That’s when I had the idea for a no-fuss subscription where I’d act like your CISO — Chief Information Security Officer — and keep you informed with a monthly briefing and weekly dossier-style updates on the latest happenings in cybersecurity… saving you time, money, and big scary stress.

It doesn’t hurt that it’ll help you turn off all those negatively dreadful feelings with knowledge you can put to work protecting your business. Oh! Imagine how impressed your client will be knowing your security protects client assets, too. Oh! Imagine how impressed your client will be knowing your security protects client assets, too.

And here we are.

Encryption activated! Phishing attempt foiled! I'm thrilled to present...

CEO Security Brief

The Cybersecurity Subscription That Makes Sense Of Security Information & More So You Can Quickly Make Security Decisions To Protect Your Business


1 monthly email with a link to download the curated easy to understand brief that's delivered the first Monday of the month and Centered Around the 4 security categories every CEO needs to know:

  • 7-Minute Security Session: Cyber Intel Center with Heard Around The Web News; Cybersecurity Classroom: Security Knowledge Translated; Definitions, and Best Practices

  • Threat Radar: The Latest Threats, Attacks, and Scams BOLO — Be On the Lookout — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

  • Alert Advisory: New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

  • Security Strategies Center: Incredibly useful Recommendations, Resources, Techniques/Protocols, Tools and more

The CEO Security Brief Vault - Founding Subscribers never lose access to previous briefs and dossiers with their active subscription.


Weeks 2-4+ Sentinel Dossier Emails With A Link To Download The Dossier: The Real-Time Security Updates focused on 3 Real-Time Security Categories:

  • 7-Minute Security Session: Cyber Intel Center with real-time Hot Off The Web Security News

  • Threat Radar: The Current Week's Latest Threats, Attacks, and Scams BOLO — Be On the Lookout — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

  • Alert Advisory: New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

And nothing extra* to distract you from the very important task of CEO-ing your business.

*Except This Cool Side Benefit: As a subscriber, you can opt-in to receive BOLO “New Threat Detected” texts linking to the BOLO alert full information page with response steps as available!

At 18%, malware is the most common type of cyberattack aimed at small businesses, followed by phishing (17%), data breaches (16%),

website hacking (15%), DDoS attacks (12%) and ransomware (10%).

Alternate way to set up the features - if you have ONE main feature and then several bonuses

Subscription Mode Live Workshop (Value $197)

You’ll be live with Julie Chenell, Cathy Olson, and special guest Melissa Lanz during the trategic and tactical walkthrough of building a subscription offer in your business.

During the two hours you will learn:

  • The difference types of subscription offers

  • How to brainstorm a subscription offer quickly

  • Ways to use existing business assets so you’re working smarter not harder

  • The unique elements in a subscription model offer

  • How to decide if you’re going to sell one tier or two in your subscription

  • Sales page secrets for subscriptions

  • How to price your subscription

  • The timeline from idea to launch

  • What churn is and how to reduce it

  • How to estimate how much you can make from your subscription offer

  • What tools work best for selling your subscription

Plus, you’ll get the following:

The chance to ask each of us questions live on the call about your idea

Unlimited access to the recording & the materials that come with it

Special offer for our Subscription funnel & coaching

In addition to the class, receive three exclusive bonuses (normally only reserved for our coaching clients)

Bonus 1: Subscription Launch Timeline (Value $47)

Broken out week by week, you’ll be given the core tasks you need to complete what you’ve built during the workshop. Your subscription offer will be out the door in less than 60 days. The launch timeline includes core tasks and optional to do’s as well.

Bonus 2: How To Name Your Subscription (Value $47)

The name is one of the most important parts of your subscription offer. Don’t make the classic amateur mistakes. Use this bonus to help you (and your favorite AI assistant) brainstorm a name that is sure to be memorable!

Bonus 3: Sales Subscription Estimator (Value $27)

Everyone wants a crystal ball to see how well their subscription offer will sell. With our sales estimator, it’s as close as you can get. You’ll be able to estimate the sales and reach for your offer, and plan your upcoming launches accordingly with this easy-to-use sheet.

Types Of Problems These Briefs Will Solve:

Wondering if you are secure enough to withstand an attack

How to figure out the cracks in your armor before the bad guys do

How sealing the security holes before they become breaches avoids regulatory fines, expensive recovery costs, and client lawsuits

What essential elements build a secure optimal defense

How new security technology changes impact your long-term security

How new and emerging threats impact your short-term and long-term security

How to prepare for cyberattacks: no coding skills needed

What should you try first to identify and neutralize those pesky social engineering attacks

How to reverse engineer your security strength

How to outsmart the hackers with essential tools for incident response — fancy way to say block those phishers

CEO Security Brief is perfect for anyone who:

  • Needs quick and easy ways to prepare for cyberattacks and security updates

  • Wishes they could pick a Cybersecurity Expert’s brain a few times a month

  • Wants to get their team on board with identifying social engineering attacks

  • Needs help with understanding if their security is working or not

  • Could use some simple steps to seal security holes before they become breaches

  • Wants to lockdown their business security before the bad guys attack

51% of small businesses that fall victim to ransomware pay the money,

and 82% of ransomware attacks in 2021 were against

companies with fewer than 1,000 employees.

Pay Month to Month



1 monthly brief plus 3-4 weekly dossiers with a link to download the curated brief focused on 4 categories:

7-Minute Security Session:

General Security Information Translated - Knowledge, Definitions, and Best Practices

Threat Radar:

The Latest Threats, Attacks, Scams, and BOLO — Be On the Lookout email alerts — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

Alert Advisory:

New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

Security Strategies Center:

Incredibly useful Recommendations, Resources, Techniques/Protocols, Tools and more

The CEO Security Brief Vault - Founding Subscribers never lose access to previous briefs and dossiers with their active subscription.

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Don't forget this Cool Side Benefit: As a subscriber, you can opt-in to receive BOLO “New Threat Detected” texts linked to the full BOLO alert information page.

Save BIG When You

Pay For The Year!


12 monthly briefs plus 40-42 weekly dossiers with a link to download the curated brief focused on 4 categories:

7-Minute Security Session:

General Security Information Translated - Knowledge, Definitions, and Best Practices

Threat Radar:

The Latest Threats, Attacks, Scams, and BOLO — Be On the Lookout email alerts — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

Alert Advisory:

New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

Security Strategies Center:

Incredibly useful Recommendations, Resources, Techniques/Protocols, Tools and more

The CEO Security Brief Vault - Founding Subscribers never lose access to previous briefs and dossiers with their active subscription.

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Don't forget this Cool Side Benefit: As a subscriber, you can opt-in to receive BOLO “New Threat Detected” texts linked to the full BOLO alert information page.

About Your Virtual CISO


I’m the Cybersecurity Expert For CEO minded entrepreneurs with security certifications, training, and years of experience.

But, once upon a time, I was just a curious kid who loved whodunits and stopping the villain. Little did I know, that fascination would lead me to exploring the vast world of technology and becoming a Cybersecurity Expert with years of training and experience under my belt.

From thwarting cyberattacks to implementing robust security measures, my journey has been nothing short of thrilling. I have navigated through the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, constantly challenging myself to stay ahead of the game. But, what I love most about my expertise and experience is helping online CEOs, especially women and marginalized entrepreneurs, protect their businesses at the highest possible security level.


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Our Spreadsheet Smiles Guarantee :)

  • You don’t need to be a nerd to geek out on briefings to use them

  • They will take you MAX 15 minutes to learn

  • They'll be mercilessly useful against attacks (and intriguingly insightful)

Cancel anytime, no hassle… no problem. Email [email protected] and we will, as always, have your back .


Still Not Sure? Get One Brief For Free…On Me!

YES! Try before you buy. I think you will love it! À la the Costco sample.

Right below I'm gifting you one security brief and one email so you can see exactly what you’re getting. If you’re ready to buy, no worries. This free gifted one delivers the MINUTE you sign up too!

“Thank you for teaching us how to protect ourselves” - C. Boddington

Frequently Asked Questions.

What are the top cybersecurity threats currently facing our company?

Each month, this briefing will highlight the most critical threats based on recent events, industry trends, and vulnerabilities specific to business systems and data. As most entrepreneurial CEOs work from a home office, some information may cover home systems and data.

Have we experienced any cybersecurity incidents this week?

Yes. Cybercriminals don't rest. But that's not to say neither should we. The briefing is monthly, but the weekly Sentinel Dossier reports on the latest security news and trends, the most critical threats and vulnerabilities based on recent events.

Do I have to be super technical to use this?

Nope! You’ll get information, resources and if needed, super easy step-by-step instructions to help you set-up simple solutions, like multi-factor authentication for social accounts.

What are the most critical security updates or patches we need to prioritize?

The CEO Security Brief will list, when available, critical security updates and patches required to address known vulnerabilities in our systems and applications each week. The best patch security practices:

a. Set update notifications for all your most used systems, software and apps.

b. Implement browser updates ASAP as soon as you see that request. 

c. Update apps and software, too, especially if they are security updates or patches.

I suck at implementing stuff.

Is that a question? I kid. That’s okay! In fact if you hate implementation, this is the #1 reason you should join. Because I’ve curated the work for you so on average, you can secure your stuff in 10 minutes or less.

It seems like your subscription is solving LOTS of problems. Is this a marketing product?

No. This is all about the intersection of my security knowledge and your business protection. Most people have no idea how to interpret security information or financial & data solutions, never mind make connections between the two. Each month we’ll focus on four super specific categories, to keep overwhelm to a minimum and your security to a maximum.

You could keep stumbling in the dark making business decisions through trial and error…

Or you can take the small but mighty step into the world of increased safety, decreased risk, and protected data and get clear on what your business is up against and how to make security solutions work for you.

And for those of you already cybersecurity aware, these briefs are based on real world, real time security data and come with accurate expectations and guidance so you can add to or update your own security practices and solutions.

I can’t wait to help!

Stay Safe, Ange

Pay Month to Month



1 monthly brief plus 3-4 weekly dossiers with a link to download the curated brief focused on 4 categories:

Threat Radar:

The Latest Threats, Attacks, Scams, and BOLO — Be On the Lookout email alerts — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

7-Minute Security Session:

General Security Information Translated - Knowledge, Definitions, and Best Practices

Alert Advisory:

New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

Security Strategies Center:

Incredibly useful Recommendations, Resources, Techniques/Protocols, Tools and more

The CEO Security Brief Vault - Founding Subscribers never lose access to previous briefs and dossiers with their active subscription.

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Don't forget this Cool Side Benefit: As a subscriber, you can opt-in to receive BOLO “New Threat Detected” texts linked to the full BOLO alert information page.

Save BIG When You

Pay For The Year!


12 monthly briefs plus 40-42 weekly dossiers with a link to download the curated brief focused on 4 categories:

7-Minute Security Session:

General Security Information Translated - Knowledge, Definitions, and Best Practices

Threat Radar:

The Latest Threats, Attacks, Scams, and BOLO — Be On the Lookout email alerts — with fast action Prevention/Response Steps, when available

Alert Advisory:

New and updated CVE — Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures explainers plus other alert information with Prevention/Response Steps, if needed

Security Strategies Center:

Incredibly useful Recommendations, Resources, Techniques/Protocols, Tools and more

The CEO Security Brief Vault - Founding Subscribers never lose access to previous briefs and dossiers with their active subscription.

Delivered to your inbox each month!

Don't forget this Cool Side Benefit: As a subscriber, you can opt-in to receive BOLO “New Threat Detected” texts linked to the full BOLO alert information page.

“Super helpful!! I never thought about the "stealth" internet connectors like appliances being a potential security risk at home. So glad I came to the workshop to learn how to plug the holes in my home security footprint.” - M. LaRue, Sonja Blue Media